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Mesopotamia, "The Land Between Two Rivers", located mostly in Iraq, was an area that allowed the world's first civilization to flourish and burst into life. 

This fertile area allowed an ancient farming people to thrive. Excess food production led to trade between cultures and increases in land & sea travel technology. 

With more free time to spend on other things than farming, there was an outburst of social and cultural growth. Art, government, religion and other cultural areas grew tremendously. The area beacame a center of trade, culture, ideas & opportunity.  

Mesopotamia attracted people from far a field and with them came new ideas and technology.  Over time different culture emerged and challenged each other for control of Mesopotamia and its government.

When we talk about Mesopotamia civilization we really mean four civilizations; Sumer (SOOM-ur), Babylon (Bab-ih-lon), Assyria (uh-SEER-ee-uh), and (Kal-DEE-uh). They controlled Mesopotamia from 2500 years Before the Common Era (BCE) to 600BCE.